All Courses

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Covenant University!

There are 9 terms (courses) within a school year. Each term (course) is equivalent to 1 month. Courses must be completed consecutively, otherwise approved by Covenant University Online staff. A students school year is determined by when they start. If a student decides to start in January they will begin 101 in January. If another student doesn’t decide to start until June they will start with 101 in June.  

All terms begin on the first of every month excluding December. You do however have the option to take a break (June-July) or continue through the summer. Graduation for all of our online students is held once a year in the month of June and is located in Hudson, FL. 

Please use the “Select category” dropdown menu to find your courses more efficiently. Year 1 (101-109) , Year 2 (201-209), Year 3 (301-309), Year 4 (401-409), Year 5 (501-509), etc…

DEGREE TRACKING = CBCS (Year 1 & 2 Core Classes), BC (Biblical Counseling), BTH (Biblical Studies), MIN (Practical Ministry), TH (Theology)

*Price closed means that the price will be revealed at checkout. 


3C Chaplaincy Training

Chaplaincy I-III (3 month course)


Anger Management

Course #'s:
BC 306 & LM 306


Biblical Doctrines I

Course #:


Book of Acts, Faith & Authority



Christian Ethics, Making Biblical Decisions


Experiencing Lifestyle Worship



Intro to Communication

BC 401, LM 401

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